What’s it like?

What is it like to work with you?

I help my students stop running.

We are conditioned to go from one thing to the next.

A student told me that before working together, she didn’t realize that being busy all the time was how she avoided being uncomfortable.

I help my students slow down.

This is not about “let your thoughts drift on a cloud” until a peaceful one comes along.

That never worked for me.

What worked was when I stopped running from all the thoughts I didn’t think I should be having.

The same student shared that she recognized how exhausted she was from trying to keep her emotions and thoughts away.

I help my students to stop running on empty.

The pace of the world around us keeps us full, while we starve for real nourishment.

She said she forgot what it felt like to feel safe in knowing herself.

And my heart understood and hurt and leapt with joy all at the same time.

When you show up for sessions with me, you are giving yourself a way to be nurtured.

You show up for you. I show up for you.

We put down the weight of the world,

clear out the static energy,

And remember what it is like to be nourished.

That’s what it’s like working together.


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